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April 19, 2019

It is time for Minnesota to pass the Mental Health Protections Act and join the 15 other states that have already restricted the dangerous practice of conversion therapy. Nearly half of those states had bipartisan support. Let's unite as Minnesotans to protect vulnerable LGBTQ youth.

April 19, 2019

As part of the sexual assault awareness month, the LGBT Center and VARP hosted an event called “It happens to us too”. The purpose of this event is to shed more light and raise awareness on domestic violence and sexual assault in the LGBTQ community.
Nicole Engel, who works with the anti-violence section of OutFront Minnesota, moderated the event. OutFront Minnesota is an agency focused on leading Minnesota toward LGBTQ equality.

April 19, 2019

Conversion "therapy" is a torturous practice that aims to change a person's sexual orientation or gender identity. This leads to serious harm, mostly in our young people, like depression, suicide, abuse of substances and PTSD. I've been standing arm-in-arm with conversion therapy survivors, faith leaders, doctors, and mental health practitioners to make sure our lawmakers put an end to this practice and protect LGBTQ Minnesotans.

April 10, 2019

OutFront Minnesota's Executive Director, Monica Meyer, received the Charlotte Striebel Long Distance Runner Award from Minnesota NOW for her work on advancing women’s rights over her lifetime. We are so proud of our amazing leader!

March 8, 2019

"My primary reason for supporting this legislation is the protection of children who may be damaged by reckless, coercive psychological strategies to nullify aspects of their developing identities. As a former mental health practitioner, I am also in support of maintaining sound scientific and ethical standards of practice with which this legislation is consistent," wrote Ellen Lowery.

March 8, 2019

A ban addressing the controversial practice of gay conversion therapy has passed through its first House committee.

A statewide bill banning conversion therapy, a controversial practice aimed at changing a person’s sexual orientation, has passed its first obstacle, but debates about religious liberties and health care are only beginning to heat up.

The proposed legislation written by Rep. Hunter Cantrell, DFL-Savage, passed through the Health and Human Services Policy Committee earlier this month. It requires licensed counselors and therapists to outline that conversion therapy is deemed ineffective by major medical organizations. The ban does not apply to pastoral counseling.

Nearly all major medical organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Medical Association and American Psychological Association, have denounced conversion therapy, stating it is not grounded in scientific reasoning and can be detrimental to patients."

February 14, 2019

LGBT+ activists in Minnesota have attempted to convince lawmakers to ban gay ‘cure’ therapy—with the help of mounds of Valentine’s Day cards.

February 14, 2019

LGBTQ advocacy groups rallied at the State Capitol Wednesday prior to a hearing on a bill that would severely restrict "conversion therapy," a practice that seeks to change an individual's sexual orientation.

A total of 15 states already ban the practice. Minnesota is considering becoming the 16th, or at least restricting it considerably.

February 14, 2019

Protect Love: A (pre)Valentines Day Action and Rally

MINNEAPOLIS — February 13, 2019 — After powerful testimony from faith leaders, mental health professionals, and survivors of the discredited and dangerous practice known as conversion “therapy,” the House Health and Human Services Policy Committee passed the Mental Health Protections Act by vote of 10 for and 6 against through the committee today.