Speak Out

Thank the Minnesota State High School League for standing up for transgender athletes and let them know that you appreciate them upholding state law and letting ALL Minnesota athletes play. Let MSHSL know that Gender Equity is important to you!

As a state we must respect and uphold the rights of all incarcerated individuals. Tell your representative to vote NO on HF 435, a bill preventing the state from housing transgender inmates in women's facilities.

Be Engaged

Register to Vote or check your Voter Registration status.

If you are 16 or 17 years old, you can pre-register to vote!

Sign Up for Election Reminders.

Know your elected officials, call and write to them to let them know that LGBTQ+ equity matters to you!

Now is the time to take action. Join us in our work—whether through Drag Brunches or tabling a community event, volunteers are needed to help share our stories across the state!