
CONTACT: Monica Meyer, Executive Director | mmeyer@outfront.org, 612.817.3480
Cat Salonek, Policy and Organizing Director | cat@outfront.org, 763.245.8034
Jacob Thomas, Communications Coordinator | jacob@outfront.org, 678.899.5608
PRESS RELEASE — March 06, 2019
Ash Wednesday for Justice
[Minneapolis] Faith leaders supportive of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ) people held a press conference to voice their support for the Mental Health Protections Act. Clergy then delivered imposition of ashes to survivors of “conversion therapy” and those that practice the ritual.
In preparing for the event, Reverend David W. Comstock reiterated, “We are called, as believers, to love our neighbors and treat them as Christ would — to recognize that they are wonderfully created in God’s image, just as we ourselves are. This call from Christ, this commandment, compels me to fight against the practice known as conversion therapy. My faith compels me to speak out against anyone who would try and use Christ’s name to harm others.”
LGBTQ people are too often told that they are not welcome in religious spaces because of who they are. As we have seen from the Mental Health Protections Act Campaign, LGBTQ people are still subjected to harmful and discredited practices like conversion “therapy” because of a belief that being LGBTQ is an illness which should be cured.
“We believe that faith leaders and their congregations should speak out for love, justice and inclusion for all people, including LGBTQ people and their families,” said Monica Meyer, OutFront Executive Director. “We are proud to have so many clergy stand with the LGBTQ community today and every day. The Mental Health Protections Act will not restrict the religious rights of any group - it will only serve to protect LGBTQ Minnesotans from harmful practices.”
“On this Ash Wednesday, I stand with you as a Christian pastor to confess that the violence and colonization that has been done in the name of Christianity — to indigenous peoples, to African slaves, to LGBTQ folks and to many more — is sin. And I invite all of us who have perpetrated this sin to join me in daily acts of turning away from this history and toward the God of love and justice who names all as beloved children. And particularly in this Capitol building, I invite us all to work together on one small piece of repair work. Let us work support the passage of the Mental Health Protections Act. This is one small act of repair that we can take this Lent.”
At the event, Rev. Dr. Rebecca Voelkel, Director of the Center for Sustainable Justice, Lyndale Church of Christ, spoke to the her role as a faith leader in this work for justice, “On this Ash Wednesday, I stand with you as a Christian pastor to confess that the violence and colonization that has been done in the name of Christianity — to indigenous peoples, to African slaves, to LGBTQ folks and to many more — is sin. And I invite all of us who have perpetrated this sin to join me in daily acts of turning away from this history and toward the God of love and justice who names all as beloved children. And particularly in this Capitol building, I invite us all to work together on one small piece of repair work. Let us work support the passage of the Mental Health Protections Act. This is one small act of repair that we can take this Lent.”
This event, headed and organized by Christian faith leaders, highlights the belief of people from multiple denominations and within the liturgical tradition that LGBTQ people are loved; deserving of access in our holy rituals; and are born in God’s image no matter who they love or who they are. Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent and a reminder of our mortality and paying penitence for sin. Christian clergy will recognize the sin of causing harm to LGBTQ youth and families and bless LGBTQ community members, including survivors of conversion “therapy,” with glitter.
Following the press conference and imposition of ashes, clergy and faith leaders will walk through the Capitol, Senate and House Buildings giving out “Protect Love” buttons and offering imposition of ashes to those who practice the ritual.
OutFront Minnesota’s mission is to create a state where lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer people are free to be who they are, love who they love, and live without fear of violence, harassment or discrimination. For more than 30 years we have led the way toward LGBTQ equity.