OutFront Minnesota provides education and training statewide, both virtual and in person! Our professional staff offers robust interactive sessions in various settings covering an array of topics related to LGBTQ+ equity.

OutFront Minnesota trainers provide critical knowledge that is age and situation appropriate to ensure accurate and approachable information.

Request a Session

To request a training or workshop for your group, fill out a Training Inquiry Form (linked below) at least one month in advance of your training. You'll be contacted by an OutFront Minnesota staff member to discuss more details about your training needs and costs.

Training Request Form 

Available Training Sessions


Our 2SLGBTQIA+ 101 Training covers general terms relating to gender and sexuality, respecting pronouns and how to be an ally to gender non-conforming people. We will dive into thinking about our own experiences with gender and learn about the differences between gender identity, biological sex, gender expression and sexual orientation.


This evidence-based 2SLGBTQIA+ training covers key concepts and general terms relating to gender and sexuality, practical skills for being in allyship with 2SLGBTQIA+ communities, and grounds the group in intersectionality principles to create safer, more inclusive school environments.

Educational Objectives (Attendees will leave with the following):

  • Key 2SLGBTQIA+ concepts, terms, and definitions
  • Practical skills for working with trans, gender non-conforming, and Two Spirit populations in particular
  • A working definition of intersectionality, a brief introduction to its origins, and ways that intersectionality frameworks can create safer, more inclusive school environments

This training discusses the concept of intersectionality through a Black Queer Feminist Lens. We will also discuss LGBTQIA2S+ history and a broader overview of intersecting liberation movements. There will be time to discuss your own identities and how intersectionality may impact you and those around you.


Our Advocacy 101 training focuses on how youth and student groups can collaborate with their communities to serve the needs of the student body and how that can look different depending on the school community. We also discuss how students can build power to make change and leave time for brainstorming some practical ideas to get things rolling.


Our Allyship and Affirming Spaces training covers common identities in the LGBTQIA+ community and expands upon previously held knowledge on how to be a better ally. Learn how to be an ally through resources and relationships, intersectionality and inclusion, disruption and defense, and education. Attendees will leave this training with tips and skills to be a better ally and understand why allyship is important.


Our Coming Out training covers the history of coming out, tips on creating a safe coming out plan and best practices for when someone comes out to you. Additionally, we talk about myths about coming out and how this process can feel very different to different groups of people.


Our evidence based LGBTQIA+ 101 Training covers general terms relating to gender and sexuality, best practices for educators with pronouns and how to be an ally to gender non-conforming students. We will dive into thinking about our own experiences with gender and learn about the differences between gender identity, biological sex, gender expression and sexual orientation.


Gender and Sexuality Alliances are vital for LGBTQIA2S+ youth. In this training, you’ll learn about best practices for starting a group/club like this within your school community as well as how to maintain and facilitate the group in the beginning stages. Resources and ideas will also be shared throughout the session.

Our Healthy Relationships training discusses different types of relationships, relationship structures, myths about queer relationships as well as practical tools for setting boundaries and communicating with partners. We also examine how media has impacted our perceptions of queer relationships. Attendees should leave this training with a renewed idea of what a relationship is and how they can be built in a healthy way.


While this training is similar to our LGBTQIA2S+ 101 training, we will dive deeper into thinking about our own experiences with gender. We will learn about general terms relating to gender, the differences between gender identity and gender expression along with topics like gender affirmation and how to be an ally to gender non-conforming folks.


This queer theology training gives you the opportunity to explore the theologies undergirding “clobber passages” while also building a new theological framework that allows us to build a theology that welcomes and affirms all people. You will receive notes on best practices for weaving this theology into your congregational life.


The Bible has been used as a means for excluding queer people from the Christian church for ages. In this training we will examine those difficult passages, find new ways of interpretation, explore what scholars have to say about the Bible, and walk away with a new understanding of how we might interpret these hard-to-read passages.


This training covers general terms relating to gender and sexuality, respecting pronouns, and steps you can take as a congregation to be a better ally. We will ground much of our learnings in theological tenets, reflect on our own experiences of gender, and discuss best practices in being a welcoming and affirming congregation.


Our Allyship Training dives deeper into how your congregation can be in closer relationship with the LGBTQIA2S+ community and best practices in allyship. We will also walk through an assessment of your congregation, reflecting on the ways you welcome queer folk and steps you might take as a congregation to welcome more widely.

Contact Us

Hannah Edwards

Trainings Manager
