
Advocates for Trans Equality

Advocates for Trans Equality (A4TE) was founded when the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) and Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (TLDEF) merged. A4TE fights for the legal and political rights of transgender people in America.


Advocates for Youth

Advocates for Youth works alongside thousands of young people here in the U.S. and around the globe as they fight for sexual health, rights, and justice.


American Civil Liberties Union

Provides information and resources for LGBTQ people and issues from a national perspective


American Civil Liberties Union Minnesota

Founded in 1952 as the Minnesota Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Minnesota continues to promote, protect, and extend the civil liberties and civil rights of people in Minnesota through litigation, lobbying, and community engagement.


Athlete Ally

Athlete Ally believes that everyone should have equal access, opportunity, and experience in sports — regardless of your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Our mission is to end homophobia and transphobia in sport and to activate the athletic community to exercise their leadership to champion LGBTQI+ equality.


Bisexual Organizing Project (BOP)

Midwest organization empowering the bisexual, pansexual, fluid, queer, and unlabeled (Bi+) community


Black Visions

We are a Black, Queer, and Trans centering organization whose mission is to organize powerful, connected Black communities and dismantle systems of violence and oppression.


Born Perfect

To end conversion therapy and ensure that every child knows that they are born perfect.


Center for Homicide Research

The Center for Homicide Research is a unique, volunteer-driven, nonprofit organization addressing the issue of homicide in our communities.

The three-fold goals of the Center are to increase case solvability, to articulate homicide issues and to reduce incidence of homicide. Our ultimate aim is to prevent homicides.


Equality Federation

Equality Federation is the movement builder and strategic partner to state-based organizations advocating for LGBTQ people.


Family Equality Council

Founded in 1979 at the National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights, Family Equality has spent more than 40 years ensuring that everyone has the freedom to find, form, and sustain their families by advancing equality for the LGBTQ+ community.


Gender Justice

Gender Justice envisions a world where everyone can thrive regardless of their gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation. Step by step, we’re creating that world by dismantling legal, structural, and cultural barriers that contribute to gender inequity. We work to ensure that people of all genders have a meaningful right to bodily autonomy, safety, health, and opportunity.



GLAAD is a non-profit organization advancing LGBTQ acceptance through fair, accurate, and inclusive representation through global, national, and local programs.



For 45 years, GLAD has pursued cutting-edge legal strategies to ensure people across the country can live and thrive on our own terms, regardless of gender identity, sexual orientation, or HIV status.


GLMA: Health Professionals Advancing LGBT Equality

GLMA is a national organization committed to ensuring health equity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) communities and equality for LGBTQ+ health professionals in their work and learning environments. To achieve this mission, GLMA utilizes the scientific expertise of its diverse multidisciplinary membership to inform and drive advocacy, education, and research.


GSA Network

Founded in San Francisco in 1998, GSA Network emerged as a youth-driven organization that connects LGBTQ+ youth and school-based GSA clubs through peer support, leadership development, and community organizing and advocacy.


Human Rights Campaign

The Human Rights Campaign and Human Rights Campaign Foundation fight to make equality, equity and liberation a reality for all lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) people.


Human Rights Campaign Minnesota

By empowering and mobilizing people at the grassroots level, HRC Minnesota aims to create impactful change, providing advocacy for HRC’s mission and work on the ground. HRC Minnesota is a dedicated team of volunteers who use their experience and talents to develop a more affirming, inclusive, and equitable community.


Ladies of the Lakes

We are the Ladies of the Lakes, a fully professed house of The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence®, formed as a 501 (C) (3) public charitable organization. We are dedicated to the support, education, and development of our community and the world at large.


Lambda Legal

Lambda Legal’s lawyers have won precedent-setting civil rights cases on everything from marriage equality to expressions of gender identity to health care discrimination. We have made legal history since day one, winning our right to incorporate. We then got to work using our knowledge of the law to fight for our community’s lives and dignity.


Minnesota Coalition Against Sexual Assault

We envision a world free of sexual violence in which all human beings are treated with dignity and respect and communities are transformed through safety, healing, and partnerships.


Minnesota Department of Human Rights

The Minnesota Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination in places like housing, the workplace, school, and more. You cannot be discriminated against because of your race, disability, sexual orientation, age, religion, sex, national origin, and more.


Minnesota Lavender Bar Association

Association of LGBTQ and ally lawyers, other legal professionals, and law students


Minnesota Log Cabin Republicans

Log Cabin Republicans is the nation’s original and largest organization representing LGBT conservatives.


Modern Military Association of America

The Modern Military Association of America is a united voice for the LGBTQ+ military and veteran community. MMAA works to uphold and expand the civil rights progress made on behalf of the LGBTQ+ military and veteran community through education, advocacy, support networks, and discrimination tracking.


Movement Advancement Project

Founded in 2006, the Movement Advancement Project (MAP) is an independent, nonprofit think tank that provides rigorous research, insight and communications that help speed equality and opportunity for all.


Movement Voter Project

MVP supports the best and most promising local community-based organizations, with a focus on youth, communities of color, LGBTQ+ voters, and other communities that bear the brunt of injustice in the United States.


National Center for Lesbian Rights

NCLR is a national legal organization committed to advancing the civil and human rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and their families through litigation, legislation, policy, and public education.


National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs

We work to prevent, respond to, and end all forms of violence against and within LGBTQ communities. We’re a national coalition of local member programs, affiliate organizations and individual affiliates who create systemic and social change. We strive to increase power, safety and resources through data analysis, policy advocacy, education and technical assistance.


National LGBTQ Task Force

Nation-wide grass roots organization and think-tank


Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG)

National organization of allies of the LGBTQ community


Planned Parenthood North Central States

At Planned Parenthood, your health is our highest priority and we believe your body is your own. Whether in person or by telehealth, our expert providers are here for you, because this space is for you.

Northwest MN

Pride Collective & Community Center

To create a sense of community and promote education and social activities aimed at furthering the social and physical well-being and development of the LGBTQIA2S+ community in the Red River Valley.


Queer Equity Institute

Building queer civic engagement & 2SLGBTQIA+ leadership in Minnesota & across the US.


Queering Faith

To create an equitable society for diverse LGBTQ people, we must continue to emphasize that people of faith are not our adversaries — and that equity and religious freedom are interconnected and mutually reinforcing.


Stonewall DFL Caucus

Stonewall DFL represents the DFL in the LGBTQ community and represents the LGBTQ community in the DFL.


SWOP Minneapolis

We are dedicated to harm reduction, human rights, and community empowerment. By centering the lived experiences of sex workers, we strive to challenge systemic injustices and amplify the voices of those most directly impacted. Guided by a belief in the strength of community, mutual aid, and collective action, we work to create meaningful, lasting change.


TakeAction Minnesota

TakeAction Minnesota is a multi-racial people’s organization building power for a government and economy that works for all of us. We’re a hub for Minnesota’s progressive movement, bringing together people and organizations to make more politically possible.


The Arc Minnesota

The Arc Minnesota promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. People with disabilities and their families trust The Arc for information, assistance, education, and public policy leadership.


The Family Partnership

For more than 145 years, we’ve successfully partnered with families and individuals to remove barriers and clear the path for success for those who have experienced deep poverty and trauma.

Northeast MN

Trans Northland

Providing support, advocacy & connection to the transgender community.

We welcome folks who are transgender, non-binary, gender non-conforming, two spirit, genderqueer, gender diverse, and gender expansive.


Transform the Vote

TRANSform the Vote is a nationwide movement of transgender people and our allies transforming the nation by making our voices heard at the ballot box.


Transgender Law Center

Transgender Law Center is the largest national trans-led organization advocating self-determination for all people. Since 2002 we’ve been organizing, assisting, informing and empowering thousands of individual community members towards a long-term, national, trans-led movement for liberation.


U.S. Department of Justice

Report a hate crime

UnRestrict Minnesota

UnRestrict Minnesota works to protect, expand, and destigmatize access to abortion care—and all reproductive healthcare—in Minnesota through public education, advocacy, and the law.


Victory Fund

LGBTQ+ Victory Fund supports pro-equality, pro-choice, out LGBTQ+ candidates at all levels of government who we know can win their elections and fight for our rights.


Violence Free Minnesota

Founded in 1978, Violence Free Minnesota is a statewide coalition of over 90 member programs working to end relationship abuse.

Violence Free Minnesota does not provide direct services to survivors and we do not offer financial assistance.


We Choose Us

We Choose Us is a campaign coalition of grassroots organizations, unions, and advocacy groups fighting for multiracial democracy in Minnesota. That means protecting the democratic institutions we have, strengthening the communities that make democracy possible and expanding our own ideas about what democracy can look like in order to best meet the needs of each and every person who makes Minnesota home.


Women's Sports Foundation

Providing LGBTQ Student Athletes Equal Opportunities


World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH)

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) is an interdisciplinary professional and educational organization devoted to transgender health. Our professional, supporting, and student members engage in clinical and academic research to develop evidence-based medicine and strive to promote a high quality of care for transsexual, transgender, and gender-nonconforming individuals internationally. We are funded primarily through the support of our membership, and through donations and grants sponsored by non-commercial sources.