
988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

We can all help prevent suicide. The 988 Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals in the United States.


Adath Jeshurun Congregation

​The mission of Adath Jeshurun Congregation, a member of the Conservative Movement, is to be a progressive, egalitarian, and sacred community dedicated to Torah (learning and tradition), Avodah (prayer and spirituality), and Gemilut Hasadim (acts of loving kindness).


Addiction Hotline

Taking the first step to recovery from drug and alcohol addiction is often the hardest part, but an addiction hotline can make getting help as easy & painless as possible. Call a hotline now to talk to trained professional staff who can offer you guidance, resources, & referrals to treatment tailored to your specific needs.


Adult Shelter Connect

For those who are seeking shelter in Hennepin County


Advocates for Trans Equality

Advocates for Trans Equality (A4TE) was founded when the National Center for Transgender Equality (NCTE) and Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund (TLDEF) merged. A4TE fights for the legal and political rights of transgender people in America.


Advocates for Youth

Advocates for Youth works alongside thousands of young people here in the U.S. and around the globe as they fight for sexual health, rights, and justice.



AIDSVu is an interactive online mapping tool that visualizes the impact of the HIV epidemic on communities across the United States. This tool allows users to locate services for HIV prevention, testing, and care, and also includes NIH-funded HIV prevention, vaccine, and treatment trial locations. The site also has data pages offering easy-to-understand, printable snapshots that summarize the impact of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.


All Gods Children




AMAZE envisions a world that recognizes child and adolescent sexual development as natural and healthy, a world in which young people everywhere are supported and affirmed and the adults in their lives communicate openly and honestly with them about puberty, reproduction, relationships, sex and sexuality. In such a world, young people across the globe would have access to the information and support they need to develop into sexually healthy adults.



Using children's literature to make schools safe and welcoming for all children and families


American Civil Liberties Union

Provides information and resources for LGBTQ people and issues from a national perspective


American Civil Liberties Union Minnesota

Founded in 1952 as the Minnesota Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of Minnesota continues to promote, protect, and extend the civil liberties and civil rights of people in Minnesota through litigation, lobbying, and community engagement.


Ampersand Families

Ampersand Families was formed in 2008 to help older youth and teens in foster care join safe, loving, permanent families through adoption.


Annex Teen Clinic

A sexual health clinic serving young people through age 25 that supports and celebrates LGBTQ youth


Anoka UCC (First Congregational)

United Church of Christ

Northeast MN

Ascension Episcopal Church, Stillwater



Athlete Ally

Athlete Ally believes that everyone should have equal access, opportunity, and experience in sports — regardless of your sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Our mission is to end homophobia and transphobia in sport and to activate the athletic community to exercise their leadership to champion LGBTQI+ equality.

Southwest MN

Austin Congregational UCC

"We know that the way we behave towards one another is the fullest expression of who we are. We find grace in the search for understanding and in the questioning rather than in the absolutes. We work for peace and justice among all people. We strive to protect and restore the integrity of our earth; and commit to a path of life-long learning, compassion and love. "


Avenues for Youth

For more than 28 years, Avenues has supported youth ages 16-24 in Hennepin County. Whether a young person needs someplace to stay for just one night, or a year and a half, Avenues support youth to find their path out of homelessness. We do that by providing a stable home, building trusting relationships, and navigating the youth’s education, career, health and wellness and housing goals.


BECAUSE Conference

BECAUSE ("Bi+ Empowerment Conference: A Uniting, Supportive Experience") is the annual conference of the Bisexual Organizing Project (BOP), dedicated to building empowered bi, pan, fluid, queer, unlabeled (bi+), and allied communities.


Beth Jacob Congregation



Bisexual Organizing Project (BOP)

Midwest organization empowering the bisexual, pansexual, fluid, queer, and unlabeled (Bi+) community


Black Visions

We are a Black, Queer, and Trans centering organization whose mission is to organize powerful, connected Black communities and dismantle systems of violence and oppression.


Bloom Church


Born Perfect

To end conversion therapy and ensure that every child knows that they are born perfect.


Calliope Women's Chorus

Based in the Twin Cities of Minnesota, Calliope Women’s Chorus is the second-oldest feminist women’s choir in the country and the oldest group in the Twin Cities’ Queer Music Consortium.

For more than 40 years, we have been helping women’s voices be heard and amplifying messages of social justice while providing a welcoming environment for LGBTQ women and allies to make music together. We’d love to have you join us!


Calvary Lutheran Church



Canvas Health

Canvas Health’s compassionate clinicians are dedicated to bringing hope, healing, and recovery to the people we serve. We help children, adolescents, adults, and families find ways to heal as they cope with mental illness, substance use disorders, and crisis situations. We accept Medicaid, Medical Assistance, commercial insurance, and most other forms of payment. Call (651) 777-5222 to make an appointment or referral for an in-person appointment.

South Central MN

Centenary UMC

Centenary lives out the gospel through acts of compassion, feeding the neighborhood most every day, and justice, as we work for full inclusion of LGBTQIA+ persons.


Centenial Methodist

"Centennial United Methodist Church has a place for you. We believe God welcomes all people. We value diversity and recognize the sacred worth of each person, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental ability, economic means, marital status, education, or faith story. With open hearts and minds, Centennial United Methodist Church is a Reconciling Congregation. Centennial United Methodist Church offers traditional worship services at our Roseville campus and contemporary worship at our Saint Anthony Park campus."


Center for Homicide Research

The Center for Homicide Research is a unique, volunteer-driven, nonprofit organization addressing the issue of homicide in our communities.

The three-fold goals of the Center are to increase case solvability, to articulate homicide issues and to reduce incidence of homicide. Our ultimate aim is to prevent homicides.


Chain of Lakes Church

"Chain of Lakes is an active, friendly community in the north metro where people of all races, abilities, sexual orientation and ages grow and share in their faith with all God’s people to impact the world. This church embraces female and male leadership, supports youth and family events and activities, celebrates varied music opportunities for all ages, and works to end youth homelessness in Anoka county.

If you are looking for a group of people who will accept you and a church who will do whatever is possible to help you in your faith life, come visit!"


Cherokee Park UMC

We are community church that mostly draws neighbors from the west side of St. Paul, but we have members from all around the twin cities metro area. We are proud of our history of and ongoing commitment to anti-racism, progressive Christianity, the full affirmation and dignity of LGBTQ+ folks, and environmental justice.


Children's Home Society and Family Services

LGBTQ counseling and information about LGBTQ adoptions

Southwest MN

Christ UMC

Christ UMC is progressive in our theology. As a Wesleyan movement we are a people who seek to explore scripture, tradition, reason and experience as we bring our faith to life. As followers of Jesus, we celebrate learning about life and faith in the company of others who seek wholeness, healing, and breath. With open hearts, open minds and open doors, we welcome people of all races, nationalities, theologies and abilities. We welcome people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We offer a safe and compassionate place to reconcile faith, identity, hope, understanding and mutual respect.


Clare Housing

Clare Housing provides a continuum of affordable and supportive housing options that create healing communities and optimize the health of people living with HIV/AIDS.


Clark Memorial UCC

United Church of Christ


Clinic 555

Clinic 555 offers confidential, low-cost, quality sexual and reproductive health services for adults and teens. Services range from low cost to free. Fees are based on family size and income. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Walk-in service is available, but appointments are recommended. Patients with appointments will be seen ahead of those who walk-in.


Clouds in Water Zen Center

Clouds in Water is vibrant urban community in the Soto Zen Buddhist tradition dedicated to awakening the heart of great wisdom and compassion. We welcome people of all backgrounds, identities and faiths. We actively seek to interrupt systemic oppression and practice joy and interconnection.


Club Recovery

Club Recovery provides intensive outpatient addiction treatment in a supportive environment. We are responsive, client centered and comprehensive in our approach. We utilize integrative, holistic, evidence-based practices and are guided by the fields of Cognitive Neuroscience, Biology and Addiction Psychology. Our counselors are experts in health realization techniques, cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing.

Central MN

Common Ground

Common Ground is a profoundly welcoming and socially active congregation situated near downtown Cambridge Minnesota. If you attend one of our eclectic worship services, expect to experience a variety of music, an atmosphere of care and community, and sometimes even origami during the sermon. As part of our vision that Everyone Counts, we live out the reality that LGBTQ+ people are not only included, but are critical members of the body of Christ.

Northeast MN

Community Presbyterian Church

You will find people from many backgrounds, beliefs, and perspectives in the congregation of Community Pres. What we have in common is that we are all seeking to live out the teachings of Jesus. We are a community built on mutual love and respect for one another. We seek to care for one another and extend our care to the larger Grand Rapids community. We are an open and affirming ally to our LGBTQIA+ siblings. We acknowledge the many beautiful and diverse gifts and talents people are given by God. Together, we form a more complete image of who God is.



Cornerstone was founded in 1983 to connect women in crisis due to domestic violence with support and safety. Since then, we’ve become a multifaceted nonprofit with accessible, innovative and comprehensive services for adults and youth of all genders who are experiencing or have experienced domestic violence, sexual violence, human trafficking or crime.


Day One Services

A program of the nonprofit Cornerstone, Minnesota Day One® provides help and resources for victims of general crime, domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking, or those concerned about their relationships anywhere in Minnesota and Fargo, ND.



Social Group for LGBTQ Catholics


Domestic Abuse Project

The Domestic Abuse Project's services and programs include Victim Survivor Program, Intervention Prevention Program, Youth Program, Advocacy, Case Management, and First Call.


Eden Prairie United Methodist

Our congregation includes people of all age ranges from babies to senior citizens. We have single people, families and an active youth, Sunday School and nursery program. We fly a rainbow flag at our door to tell our LGBTQ+ siblings, their families, friends and allies that they are welcome to join us for events or to become members of our Church. We welcomed people of all sexual orientations. Contact the church website or office for information on where we are in response to CoVid at this time. You can watch our services online at our website, Prairie, Sundays live at 10:00. A recording of past services is available throughout the week.


Edina Morningside Community Church

We are led by and fully include queer people in all aspects of community life. We've voted on formal statements of affirmation, and regularly welcome LGBTQ+ people as guests and members in worship.


Epworth UMC



Equality Federation

Equality Federation is the movement builder and strategic partner to state-based organizations advocating for LGBTQ people.