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February 29, 2016

OutFront Minnesota Action is a political action committee of community members from across our state who recognize the tremendous opportunity the November elections give us to make sure our elected officials believe in a Minnesota where all of us have the freedom, power, and confidence to make the choices that are right for our own lives.

December 17, 2015

The American Civil Liberties Union and the ACLU of Minnesota filed a lawsuit today in Minnesota State Court to challenge the coverage ban on transition-related surgery for transgender people on Medical Assistance and MinnesotaCare, the state’s public insurance programs for low-income residents. 

December 3, 2015

We are called to stand in solidarity with Black Lives Matter and all struggles to fight racism, to ensure that the killing of Black people gets proper investigation, and to call attention to the pervasive culture of white supremacy in the United States. What happened to Jamar Clark — and has been happening across this country to Black and Brown people for much too long — is not justice. This must change. 

December 1, 2015

December 1, 2015 (Minneapolis)— The Minnesota Departments of Commerce and Health have released a bulletin stating that health plans subject to their jurisdiction may not exclude coverage for services related to a person’s gender transition.

December 1, 2015

I am honored to receive this award and recognition. And at the same time it is a bit odd and awkward because this recognition is of me and my work, when as an activist and an organizer, I think of movement work in the context of us. It is our work, our accomplishments, our losses, our joys, our dreams, our movement for justice.

December 1, 2015

The Minnesota Departments of Commerce and Health have released a bulletin stating that health plans subject to their jurisdiction may not exclude coverage for services related to a person’s gender transition. This announcement culminates nearly two years of work on this effort by many, including Rainbow Health Initiative, MN Transgender Health Coalition, the University of Minnesota’s Program in Human Sexuality, MN Transgender Insurance Taskforce and OutFront Minnesota. Minnesota is the thirteenth jurisdiction in the country to make a statement on this subject. 

October 8, 2015

On October 6th, OutFront Action announced endorsement of Angie Craig for Congress in Minnesota’s 2nd Congressional District. OutFront Action is the state’s leading organization in building equity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer Minnesotans. If elected, Angie will be the first openly lesbian Congressperson elected from Minnesota. 

October 7, 2015

OutFront's Youth Library is a safe and welcoming space for LGBTQ teens to gather after school, where they can find hundreds of great books that relate to the issues they live every day.

May 7, 2015

May 21 - Session Wrap-Up - Despite an anti-LGBTQ majority in the Minnesota House, anti-LGBTQ efforts did not become law. We owe Governor Dayton, Majority Leader Bakk, and all of our pro-equality elected officials a debt of gratitude for standing firm for us.

March 5, 2015

History shows us that movements are born out of seminal moments. The Stonewall Riots, which occurred in 1969, were a flashpoint that gave birth to the movement for LGBT equality. Rosa Parks refusing to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in 1955 was a catalyzing event that spurred the Civil Rights movement.