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July 8, 2019

MINNEAPOLIS, July 8, 2019 – The largest LGBTQ civil rights group in Minnesota, OutFront Minnesota, announced Monday that they have hired Kelly D. Holstine, the 2018 Minnesota Teacher of the Year, to expand OutFront’s educational program for schools.

July 1, 2019

To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots, we honored 50 LGBTQ icons over Pride month.

June 21, 2019

Room & Board is a national modern furniture retailer headquartered in Golden Valley, with store locations locally in Edina and across the country. 

We are proud to celebrate LGBTQ Pride Month every June to honor the Stonewall Riots of 1969, a tipping point for the gay rights movement. At Room & Board, we recognize and support our LGBTQ peers and customers and acknowledge the influence that LGBTQ people have had around the world.

June 14, 2019

There are two main reasons this therapy should be banned: It doesn’t work and it’s dangerous. It is legalized torture. Those on the receiving end are often depressed, suicidal, feel ashamed and lose self-esteem. The treatment has been condemned by every major medical and mental health organization in the United States.

June 14, 2019

The two top priorities for LGBTQ rights advocates didn’t make it.

For both a ban on so-called gay “conversion therapy” and a measure to allow two married women to have the same parental rights as a man-woman married couple failed to gain enough support in the Republican-majority Senate to reach the desk of Gov. Tim Walz.

May 28, 2019

Today, Minnesota’s legislature decided to allow the torturous practice of conversion “therapy” to continue in Minnesota. By omitting any restrictions on conversion therapy from the Health and Human Services final report, Minnesota’s lawmakers ignored the voices of thousands of conversion therapy survivors, healthcare professionals, and faith leaders; rejected the will of Minnesotans; and failed to protect LGBTQ youth from the torturous practice of conversion “therapy.”

May 17, 2019

In this day and age, it is absurd to think that a ban on conversion therapy for vulnerable adults and minors is even being debated. But just last week, Minnesota lawmakers argued over a ban on therapy aimed at changing sexual orientation, and the ban did not pass (“Political is personal on gay ‘conversion,’ ” front page, May 11).

May 17, 2019

Advocates say compromise language offered by Republicans doesn't go far enough.

May 17, 2019

As a Christian and the spiritual leader of a large Minneapolis congregation, I believe we are called by Holy Scripture and the example of Jesus to “love our neighbors as ourselves” and to stand with the most vulnerable among us. That includes LGBTQ youth coming of age and discovering who they are in communities and households often hostile to them.